In accordance with Microsoft recommendations, Tada websites will no longer support Internet Explorer (IE) after June 1, 2021.
Visitors using IE who reach our sites will see the following message:
This change coincides with Microsoft’s decision to stop supporting their product. Microsoft released their new browser, Edge, in 2015 and quit supporting Internet Explorer in 2016. The internet and online environment were much less sophisticated then, and open web standards and newer browsers have enabled better, more innovative, and secure online experiences.
Tada users will be better served with this change through faster and more responsive web access now and in the future.
Totera’s success is built upon providing excellent customer service. Since we are unable to get support from Microsoft for IE as we roll out new features, we are unable to provide support to users of legacy products.
If you love IE, you can use “IE Mode” within the Microsoft Edge browser. Please visit the Microsoft IE Retirement FAQ page for more details.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
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